Everything Will Be Alright! Be Encouraged! Be Strong! (Daniel 10:19)
All Of Your Help Comes From The Lord ! (Psalm 121:1-2 NIV) In the book of Hebrews 6:17-18 we learn “we who have taken refuge in God should have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.” God wants us to be so familiar with His character and live so confidently in our faith we can say, “I know what God is going to do. I don’t know when or how, but He’s made some promises me, so I’m going to walk by faith until He delivers!” No doubt, we all face storms in life and some more difficult than others, but we have to continue to lift up the shield of faith. (Ephesians 6:16) We do this by opening up our mouth and saying what God’s Word says, standing on His every promise; rather than grumbling and complaining about the problem. I encourage you to begin making confessions every day that will help you grow in your faith and confidence in God. Makes confessions such as: “God demonstrated his love for me: While I was a sinner, Christ died for me, nothing can separate me from His...