Believe If You Have The Faith, God Has The Power To Do What He Has Promised! (Romans 4:21)
God Gives Life To The Dead And Calls Into Existence The Things That Do Not Exist ! (Romans 4:17) God doesn't wait for circumstances to line up before He speaks! God causes them to line up, because He speaks! Whatever God Has Promised You, He Is Able Also To Do It ! (Romans 4:21) You have heard it said, “man is only as good as his word.” Meaning that unless one does what they say they will do, they cannot be trusted. God holds Himself to the same standard. “God doesn't change His mind. When He says something—He does it! When He makes a promise, He keeps it!” (Numbers 23:19) No matter the circumstance, no matter what the doctor has said, no matter how low the money gets, you can rest and be comforted in what God has said about you and your situation. God has called forth goodness and greatness! He calls those things that are not as though they are! (Romans 4:17) God’s Word To You : "I will not dishonor My promise or alter My own agreement!" (Psalm 89:34) Pray This...