In All These We Are More Than Conquerors Through Christ Who Loved Us! (Romans 8:37)
We Win Victory Over Satan By The Blood Of The Lamb & Our Testimony ! (Revelation 12:11) We all experience difficult situations, difficult days and days of uncertainty, however, those are the moments we must determine within ourselves to fight the good fight of faith and never give up. (1 Timothy 6:12) Satan will try to make it look like he has the upper hand, but despite anything Satan throws your way to try and destroy your home, your health, your finances, etc…, overwhelming victory is yours through Christ who loves you! (Romans 8:37) You may be going through a testing period now and yes the power of Jesus’ blood is applied on your life, however, what you do determines your testimony! I encourage you not to give up on the fight of faith. It will all work out for your good! (Romans 8:28) God’s Word To You : “In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties, but take heart, I’ve conquered the world!” (John 16:33 MSG) Pray This Prayer With Me : Father, thank...