
Showing posts from May 18, 2017

He Has Made Everything Beautiful In Its Time! (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

For those who walk in obedience and expectancy of God’s promises, God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times you will have all you need, to abound in every good work! (2 Corinthians 9:8) Get planted in the house of the LORD and you will flourish in His Holy Courts! (Psalm 92:13) God can and will bring restoration to every year you’ve considered lost, leaving you lacking no good thing! (Joel 2:25, Psalm 84:11) #Trust the Lord during your change of seasons, for in due season He will bring you forth! #Believe God’s favor will bring you tangible results such as healing, joy and increase! "Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they ripen!” (Malachi 3:11) ~ GOD Pray This Prayer With Me: Father, I put my faith and hope in You alone, knowing You’re good and You have good things in store for my future! (Jeremiah 29:11) Thank You for special grace in this season. ...