
Showing posts from July 14, 2017

God’s Favor Lasts A Lifetime! (Psalm 30:5)

is Mercies Are New Every Morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23) In Lamentations 3, mercy means undeserved or unmerited favor—GRACE! It’s easy to recognize the noticeable places God has graced us, but it’s not so easy to see when things don’t seem to work out or when a season of difficulty comes.   Part of the reason God has given His children favor, is so He can continually provide life experiences to stretch us, so we can receive more and grow in His grace. Things aren’t going to always go the way we’ve plan, but as long as we remain confident God’s purposes are for our good, we will be rewarded! (Romans 8:28, Hebrews 10:35) When discouragement comes, don’t quit—God is empowering you to outlive it and He’s given you grace for today through His indwelling Spirit! #Because God is for you, in all things you’re more than victorious through Him who first loved you! (Romans 8:37, 1 John 4:19) #Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love! (Romans 8:31-39) “My Grace Is Sufficient For You, My Power