Take The Limits Off Of God!
There Is No Limit To What God Can Do Through You ! Glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us to accomplish above and beyond all that we ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20) Many times our doubt, unbelief and inability to see beyond our current circumstances keep us from receiving the greater God has for us. We tend to look at the obstacles before us and become discouraged. As a result, we limit the blessings of God in our lives. God wants to go above and beyond all we could ever ask or think, but when we limit Him because of our own limited way of thinking, we cut off His supply. I encourage you and dare you to believe in faith— God will do everything He has promised in His Word and more! "I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.” (Isaiah 57:15) ~God Pray this prayer with me : Father, as I seek your kingdom, your...