Forget Those Things Which Are Behind, So You Can Reach Forward To Those Things Which Are Ahead! (Philippians 3:13)
Forgetting those things which are behind is maybe one of the greatest challenges we can face in life. I believe the greatest challenge in forgetting those things which are behind is the sense of feeling like you’re leaving a piece of yourself behind, another person behind, a place that is hard to let go of or maybe even something of value that you may feel is invaluable etc… During those situations beloved, trust God. He won’t allow you to miss out on His best for you, He will restore anything the enemy stole from your life and He may even restore relationships with people who walked away from you or people He told you to walk away from. Our job is not to wonder what could’ve, should’ve or what will be. Our job is to trust and obey God. Be confident, when we are in obedience to the Word of God, if God decides to restore those things which are behind, they become even greater in our future. It won’t easy, but more times than not, you have to go through those uneasy times to get to stron...