There Is POWER In The Name Of Jesus To Break EVERY Chain! (Jeremiah 10:6)
"Pray All The Time And Never Give Up!" “That's why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for it will be yours!" (Luke 18:1, Mark 9:23) ~ GOD The Earnest Prayer Of A Righteous Person Has Great Power And Produces Wonderful Results! (James 5:14-16 NLT) Jesus has given us authority to use His name, when He tells us in John 14:12-14, "Whatever you ask in My name, I will do, so My Father may be glorified in the Son.” Sickness, Debt and Discouragement is losing its power over your future and Destiny in Jesus’ Name! I encourage you to approach God's Throne of Grace today with confidence, tell God what you need and with great expectancy, begin to thank Him in advance for all He has done and is doing! (Philippians 4:6) “If you ask anything in My Name I will do it!” (John 14:14) ~ GOD Pray This Prayer With Me: Father, thank You for being my Chief Intercessor and thank You that you love to do the impossible in ways that will ...