Don’t Allow Your Limitations To Outweigh Or Discourage Your Expectation!

Don’t Allow Your Limitations To Outweigh Or Discourage Your Expectation!
In The Morning, O LORD, You Hear My Voice; In The Morning I Lay My Requests Before You And Wait In Expectation! (Psalm 5:3) Morning, noon, and night I will I pray, and God listens to my voice! (Psalm 55:17) Hold On To Hope Without Wavering; He Who Has Promised Is Faithful! (Hebrews 10:23) Keep A Spirit Of Expectancy!
All Of Our Help Comes From God!
I look up to the mountains; does my help come from mountains? No, My Help Comes From The LORD, The Maker Of Heaven And Earth. He Will Not Let You Fall. Your Guardian Will Not Fall Asleep! (Psalm 121:1-3) God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble! (Psalm 46:1) In Psalm 121:1-3, David did not focus on what he faced, but David chose to focus on where his help came from. David spoke of God’s Greatness and stood confidently in trusting God, as his only help! I encourage you on today, in spite of the hurt, the difficulties or the delayed answer to your prayer, never lose sight of the fact that somewhere in the future, in a time that may seem quite far away, God is still working on an amazing plan for your life! Even though you may not be able to see it now; you may have been praying, but nothing has happened, things may have went from bad to worse, you can’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel, Trust God! God Will Not Let You Fall! Even when the earth was without form, void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, “The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” it was God that said, “Let there be light: and there was light!” (Genesis 1:1-3) It may look bad now, but, as you trust God, it will all work together for your good in the end! (Romans 8:28)
Pray This Pray With Me: Almighty God & All Wise God, I thank You Father that I can look to You, when I need help and strength. I thank You for your faithfulness. Father, I'm grateful that You are Bigger than my trials, Greater than my fears and Stronger than my struggles. I trust You and I look to You alone, for the help and strength I need. Thank You, for hearing my prayer. I humbly pray, in Jesus' Name, Amen. Blessings people of God and I hope this day is a blessed day for you filled with the joy, peace, love, happiness, blessings and favor of our Father far over and above all that we[dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams] (Ephesians 3:20). May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen! (Philippians4:23) Have a great day! I love you people of God, but always remember, God loves us the most! In His service, Jacob...


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