It’s A Fixed Fight—Our Victory Is Already Won! (1 Jn 5:4, 2 Chr 20:17, 1 Cor 15:57)

Despite All Things—Overwhelming Victory Belongs To Every Believer, Through Christ Who Loved Us! (1 Cor 15:57, Jn 3:16, Rom 8:37) #Our GOD goes before us! #Our God will fight for us! (Deut 3:22, 31:8) #Every time your faith will produce total victory! (I Jn 5:4) 

“In this world you have tribulation, trials, distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage]! I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you!” (Jn 16:33) ~ GOD

Pray This Prayer With Me: Father, thank You for what You did for me on Calvary! You took the power away from satan and gave all who believe an abundant and eternal life! May my name be sealed in the Book of Life! I humbly pray, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen! Have an awesome Week! Never forget, in all circumstances, God loves you and you are extremely valuable and important in God’s eyes! In His service, Jacob...


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