Decree, “I See Miracles Coming For Me!” (Heb 11:1, Jb 22:28, Eph 3:20)

Speak It Into Existence—It Shall Come To Pass! (Duet 29:1, Pro 18:21, Jn 14:13, Hab 2:3)  #Keep the faith attitude, moving forward—growing in the LORD! (Rom 10:11, 1:17, Col 3:16, Joel 2:24-26, Eph 3:19) #If you can believe, all things are possible! (Mk 9:23) #Keep expectations high! #What God Has Started, He Is Faithful To Perform! (Jos 23:15, Jer 1:5, Ps 139:14)

“I Am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will not leave you, until I have done all I have promised you!" "Nothing is too hard for Me!” “I watch over My Word to accomplish it!" (Gen 28:15) ~ GOD

Pray This Prayer With Me: Jesus, I thank You for being my Chief Intercessor, doing the impossible in ways that will always bring You Glory! (Rom 8:33-34) Father, today, tomorrow and in the days to come, help me to see clearly Your plan unfold in my life and I ask for Your strength to walk in faith that pleases You alone! (Pro 3:4-6, Heb 11:6, 2 Cor 12:9) I humbly pray this prayer, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen! Never forget, in all circumstances, God loves you and you are extremely valuable and important in God’s eyes! Have a great Thursday! In His service, Jacob...

Check Out I SEE MIRACLES | Jekalyn Carr,by clicking on the following YouTube link:


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